Fake Mainstream and Fake Alternative Media Constitute the World Stage Fictional Universe

There is no platform for media skeptics outside the networked individuals and disparate communities already doing so. We call this growing body of non-MSM (mainstream) and non-MSM+ (alternative) conditioned minds the “parallel media.”

Applied Common Sense Skepticism Directed at Mass Mediation

Most people think “skepticism” is mostly just incredulity or the notion that nothing can be known. “Common sense skepticism” is what we are explicitly bringing into the discussion.

Conspiracy theorists, also known as Truthers, are only selectively skeptical, asking questions only about certain aspects of the events they are scrutinizing but never the entirety of the events in themselves. For example, Truthers “question 9/11” but begins with a starting point that assumes it happened and lots of people died. Or they recognize the moon landings are all faked but still persist in believing the general idea of space travel, orbiting objects, and the big picture provided by NASA. 

Questioning the surface aspects of, or the motivations for, major hoaxes is not skepticism. The consensus agreed-upon frame of reference begins with everyone’s faces pushed up against the screen, accepting its images as an argument from authority. True skepticism begins when that initial take on a media event is reality-tested.

To accept the screen’s authority is to automatically believe extraordinary claims without an expectation of commensurate extraordinary evidence. 

By socially distancing themselves from the screen itself, Autohoaxers have achieved an overview effect the likes of which astronauts can only pretend to have. It results in skepticism that is far more principled than the selective, red-herring, guided Truther kind. Autohoaxing requires skepticism as a permanent and stable philosophical posture, not just something to trot out when alt-media says to be suspicious about a story.

Autohoaxing saves time as one can categorically debunk much of the “news” by having an advanced understanding of the game. For example, one can rest assured that the next moon landing will be as fake as the previous, as “real” cannot build upon a foundation of “fake.” The same goes for mass shootings in schools and terrorist bombings. The fake ones aren’t anomalies; real ones are nowhere to be found. 

What’s the difference between a believer in hoaxed events and those who don’t? Simply put, believers never question the assumed authority of the screen. Their frame of reference excludes information critical of what they believe. They are boxed into a closed system of ideas.

A New Operating System

We’re talking about breaking a global paradigm rooted in massifying minds with media as the new religion, a major new philosophy emerging as an actual opposition. The last thing the Metascriptors want is for this to be taken seriously. 

We are establishing a power dynamic. The only reason Autohoax level deconstruct isn’t bigger is the Red-Pill nightmare effectively firewalls it off with Fear.  Meanwhile, the autohoaxers are real underdogs that get truly censored rather than inadvertently promoted by censorship-theater. Everyone knows of the conspiracies that we aren’t supposed to believe by design. 

The Autohoaxer Operating System is not even mentioned for a reason. Once organized into a large enough body, it will wage pressure campaigns, which will cause all the establishment “influencers” to fall one after another like dominoes. We’re not pettily attacking people. We are splintering the entire-controlled opposition matrix. Limited Hangout operatives create the toxic scene by gatekeeping. They keep Truthers following leadership based on Controlled Narratives.

The Autohoaxer Operating System breaks the gatekeepers’ infrastructure. It employs a rational, skeptical posture toward all MSM and MSM+ narratives.

We are updating our relationship to hyper-mediation, now conceived as a monolithic worldview shaping influence. We replace the need for interchangeable belief systems with this straightforward operating system.

Meanwhile, the Truthers are “awake” to the reptoids, Bohemian Grove, aliens, chemtrails, and mentally ill mass shooters. The fake-awake have an Alt-Belief system which is a subset of the Mainstream Belief System and will remain there until they depose the MSM as authority over their own minds.

Truthers tend to believe in the low-hanging fruit Truther-Bait planted by the controllers and scriptwriters on both sides of the Bifurcated Psyop.

Trutherism is the default anti-MSM position, actively participating in Infowar with counter-narratives and additional info the other side excludes. 

The reason Truthers are brimming with reactive aggression is they are being played on too many levels. Mainstream media employs a psychological tactic of ignoring and gaslighting alternative voices until they get mad and then act like they are crazy for being engaged. Red Pill Trutherism is a sophisticated mind control operation designed to keep free thinkers following false solutions to end their nightmare version of the World Stage Model. 

Again, both the Mainstream and Alternative Worldviews are in the same box. Both are belief systems;  I’m here to reveal the Internalized Lies, not to offer alternative beliefs.

Autohoaxing is both an intellectual revolt and a minor philosophical revolution. I’m opposed to living as a believer in the information age, kept in the dark, and having my information filtered and screened before I can think and consider ideas for myself. Its philosophical basis is the rejection of the Screen as the implicit argument from authority, applying pyrrhic skepticism to mass mediation conceived as a monolithic worldview-shaping entity.

Both Truthers and MSM sell fear-based mind-war. Autohoaxers promote fact-based inner-peace and untriggerability.

 “Weaving Spiders Come Not Here

Parallel Media must remain purely autohoaxers, inactivists, and skeptics. No “active” mind war agents, witting or otherwise. We need to claim the “parallel media” space as the only true alternative media. Let the Red Pill fearmongers fight the Infowar, thinking it to be winnable. 

Meanwhile, we’ll enjoy peace of mind, and we’ll know what’s not real as we work to determine what is.

The Parallel Media Emerges

All MSMS-driven actions and reactions in the theatre of psywar are controlled. Autohoaxing has revealed this. Common sense skepticism applied to the Screens assumed authority. 

We cracked the monolith and learned how it works. Why play like we don’t?

This is a Paradigm Shift. No Troofer is going to stop it. And Trutherism Orthodoxies are the final obstacle.  I’m not for non-participation. I actively want to burn the world stage model down. We’re fomentinging a culture of non-believers who are very active in the takedown, but not from a Controlled Opposition position. Activism loses, as “the only winning move is not to play.”

Inactivism is a divergence from the active fringe of the political horseshoe and politicized conspiracy theories.

Many good people have been conscripted into fighting an info-war believing falsely that you can win the info-war by picking up designated “good guy ammo” and flinging it at the designated bad guys.” 

I contend that you win by not fighting their Bifurcated Psywar. 

We are ginning up a self-aware new intelligentsia outside the confines of the MSM/ Alt-MSM Box. We need to encourage a widespread Autohoaxer pushback against all bs-dealers on the wrong side of the screen.  We shouldn’t be enabling Troofer’s to have safe spaces to peddle lies and fantasy posing as reality. 

 I want to reach the good people who are Seekers, not Believers. 

IPS THINK TANK is not going to “merge” or “fit in” with lying media infrastructure; we will be opposing it. But first, we need to grow the Parallel Media to 10,000+. I suspect many more; they must be made self-aware as a demographic and separate body from the controlled alternative. Autohoaxing and real media skepticism have never been broadly platformed. It has only ever thrived on the Fringe of the Fringe. The Parallel Media will create that platform. 

We have set the controls of the IPS Think Tank to the heart of the World Stage. Once we have numbers on our side, a tidal wave of principled, off-world stage autohoaxers will follow.





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